Saturday, December 25, 2010

Picture of this year 2010

love this picture. yelah lebih kurang same cam aku je, NERD. KANNN? aku dulu sentiasa kene cakap budak NERRDD. ye mmg pun lah. skunk pun yeee. takboleh ubah. aku tetap aku, no one can change me. so wat ur problem? talk to the hand biatch. hahah. oke oke aku nk cakap pasal picture ny, bukan nak mara mara, hahah. *ppfffttt kipas kipas, terbang terbang rambut haaa. candid je pun ny, muka pun da nek berminyak, yela the whole day kuar, christmas lah katekan, but aku tak sambut, kite orang islam kan mane bole, hanya mampu tgk aja. naty sape nak jadi model aku, bagitahu jela eh. hee (: that's my hobbie (: that's is boiboi. *prrrooottt